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Latest Update
Please join us on Saturday, March 29th, 2025 at 2pm EDT for a very special announcement about the future of the show! We'll be live on YouTube and taking questions during the stream.
You can find our YouTube page at https://www.youtube.com/@hauntedhouseflippers
Thanks as always for tuning in!

The Show
Tom and Janet Miller recently inherited an old Victorian home in the quaint town of Uncanoonuc, NH, from Tom’s recently deceased grandfather. With the intent to simply restore and sell the house, with the assistance of their helpful neighbor, Lee, they embark on a shared journey with different goals. Janet sees this as an opportunity to learn new life skills, while Tom is looking at what he believes to be the Holy Grail of haunted houses. Follow their day-to-day lives, captured through the handheld recorder that Tom never leaves home without.
The concept of Haunted House Flippers goes back to 2018, when a conversational joke between creator JD Lauriat and a co-worker sparked an ongoing barrage of hilarious scenes of trying to “flip” a house that was effectively haunted. JD tried for the next few years to turn this concept into something with more depth, but to no avail. He attempted a book, a TV-style script, and even a stage play, but none fit what he was looking for. He was then asked to be a guest voice actor for another podcast series, and that was when it clicked. With his background in radio broadcasting, audio production, and theater, this was the perfect avenue.
Needing only a small cast, JD then reached out to Melissa Croft and Adrian Johnson, both long time friends, writers, and actors. With the help of some additional talented actors lending their voices, Haunted House Flippers has become more than any of them could have hoped for.

And yes, GhostGuyTom@gmail.com IS a real email address!


Producer, Writer
Voice of Tom Miller
Co-Writer, Graphic Design
Voice of Lee Edward Edwards
Co-Writer, Social Media
Voice of Janet Miller
Rick Croft: Louis
Mike Gagne: Sheriff Robert Ross
Leslie Richard: Cilantro, Sandy/Andi, Ghost Voices
Dawn Beland: Dr. Edna Martin, Opal Jonsiet​
Journee LaFond: Juniper Jonsiet
Aussie: Big Daddy Liam
Ilkka Eskelinen
Matt Brides
Ellis Prybylski
Jay Prybylski
Mark Pearson
Friends of Haunted House Flippers
Witchever Path - www.witcheverpath.com
Boston Harbor Horror - https://asylum94.com/boston-harbor-horror/
Ask A Brown Feminem - https://www.askabrownfeminem.com/
The Penniless Jacks - https://www.facebook.com/thepennilessjacks
AussieNutz - www.twitch.tv/aussienutz
Skaya Fair Art - twitter.com/IkuinenVirta & fairskaya.tumblr.com
Morning Bride - https://morningbride.bandcamp.com/
Ironwood Ways - https://www.facebook.com/ironwoodways
Gather the Suspects - gatherthesuspects.podbean.com
Fallen by Ellis Prybylski - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09GTYPB71
The Call to Arms by Melissa Croft - https://www.amazon.com/Call-Arms-Melissa-Croft/dp/195480427X/